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1911 Full / Commander size grips, Quilted Maple with brass screw collars.

1911 Full / Commander size grips, Quilted Maple with brass screw collars.


Grips for Full or Commander size 1911’s. These are of Quilted Maple and have very beautiful color and character. The luster is typical of Quilted Maple but the coloration is quite unusual. These are blems, the crew holes were drilled a hair off center through an error of mine but the wood is too beautiful to not use so I had brass hole collars machined and installed so the fit is correct. The error cannot be seen from the outside. The price reflects the fact that they are not perfect and if you can overlook that the back of the grips are not perfect then they will certainly dress up your pistol. They do not cover the safety tube so they will not interfere with enlarged safeties.

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